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 Sheena Sanchez.


March 9, 2022

12:00pm, PST 158 HH and Zoom

Kory Evans
Department of Biosciences, Rice University

" Evolutionary Mosaics & The Interplay Between Innovation and Integration "

Evolutionary innovations are scattered throughout the tree of life, and have allowed the organisms that possess them to occupy novel adaptative zones. While the impacts of these innovations are well-documented, much less is known about how these innovations arise in the first place. Patterns of covariation among traits across macroevolutionary timescales can offer insights into the generation of innovation. However, to-date, there is no consensus on the role that trait covariation (i.e. integration and modularity) plays in this process. Here, we examine two case studies in fishes to determine the role that trait integration has played in shaping the striking evolutionary innovations that each clade possesses.

Seminar will be presented live, in-person, in

Hershey Hall, Room 158

Seminar will also be live-streamed via Zoom

Host: Paul Barber