Effective October 3, 2022, the EEB Undergraduate Office will be offering appointments both in-person and via Zoom. You will designate your preference when you schedule your advising appointment.
Effective April 11, 2024, the EEB Undergraduate Office will be offering in-person drop-in advising hours in Hershey Hall 101.
To protect the health and safety of the UCLA Community, the EEB Undergraduate Office is requiring students to follow the UCLA COVID-19 guidelines before visiting the office.
We’re pleased to offer a variety of advising / counseling services. We have drop-in advising hours throughout the week for quick questions. Additionally, academic advising/counseling services are available both in-person and virtually for more detailed and personalized advising. If you prefer a scheduled appointment, you can do so via MyUCLA. All appointments will be in 20-minute increments and conducted based on your preference and availability.
To make a departmental advising appointment, please CLICK HERE.
*Please select the “EEB-Departmental Advising” options ONLY. EEB Grad counseling is limited for M.S. and PhD students only.*
EEB Undergraduate counselors will be available for APPOINTMENTS during the following hours:
Monday – Friday:
Between 9:00AM – 4:00PM. Appointment Only
EEB Undergraduate counselors will be available for In-Person DROP-IN ADVISING during the following hours:
WINTER 2025 – Week 5
Tuesday 02/04/25 – 1:30-3:30pm, in-person at 101 Hershey Hall
Thursday 02/06/25 – 9-11am, in-person at 101 Hershey Hall
Thursday 02/06/25 – 1-3pm, in person at 101 Hershey Hall
Friday 02/07/25 – 10-12pm, remotely (see zoom link below)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 916 8660 7965
Passcode: 754386
** Regular Quarter Drop-In Advising Hours are only available in-person in Hershey Hall 101. Upon arrival, please check-in using the QR code in our waiting room, and an advisor will be out shortly to meet you. Please know that time spent with advisors can range from 5-15 minutes, depending on the number of students who are waiting with questions. For detailed course planning and more concentrated time with out advisors please feel free to schedule an advising appointment via MyUCLA
PLEASE NOTE: if there is a sign stating “APPOINTMENT IN PROGRESS” on the front door of Hershey Hall 101 (EEB Undergraduate Office), please refrain from knocking, as it will cause a disruption to the academic advising session. Please wait in the adjacent waiting room or send us a message via Message Center on myUCLA.
Making an Advising Appointment via MyUCLA:
- Sign in to MyUCLA using your UCLA Logon ID and Password
- Click on the “Academics” tab > Find the “Advising and Academic Services” column > Click on “Appointments”
- Click on “Create an Appointment”
- Select “Ecology and Evolutionary Biology” from the “Organization” drop down menu
- Choose your preferred appointment, in person or via Zoom, and search through the available time slots
- To streamline this process, CLICK HERE
Please contact us through MESSAGE CENTER for the following:
- Enrollment in EEB Upper division courses
- Please allow up to 3 business days for response
- Graduation requirements
- Please allow up to 2 business days for response
- Major/minor declaration
- Please allow 10-15 business days for response
- DARS updates
- Please allow up to 3 business days for response
- College Petitions
- Please allow up to 5 business days for response
- Departmental Evaluations
- Please allow up to 5 business days for response
- Course substitutions (major and minor, field quarter or alternates)
- Please allow up to 2 business days for response
- Contract Courses (EEB 195, 196, 198A-D, 199)
- Please allow up to 3 business days for response
- General Department Information
- Please allow up to 3 business days for response
- Enrollment in EEB Upper division courses
Message Center Protocol:
- Please refrain from sending separate messages about the same subject matter.
Receiving multiple messages will only delay the response to your message
because messages are responded to in the order that the message was received,
i.e., date and time. - If you would like to send a follow–up message, please send via your initial
message thread.
If you have a UCLA logon ID/you are a current UCLA student, please submit your inquiry HERE.
If you DO NOT have a UCLA logon ID, please submit your inquiry HERE.
Before you meet with a department counselor to set up a degree plan, please make sure to follow these steps:
- Download your major degree checklist.
- Review all requirements for your major using your Degree Audit Report (DAR) and the major worksheet.
- Complete your major degree checklist.
- You will be required to show your Major Degree checklist to the counselor during your appointment.
Freshmen admits (First- Fourth year)
Transfer admits (Third – Fourth year)
Academic Advising Benchmark PDFs:
We are here as your guides as you embark on your educational journey at UCLA. We encourage you to take advantage of all that our department and UCLA has to offer.
Jessica Angus
Wendy Ramos
The undergraduate counselors answer questions about the following:
- Lower Division major requirements
- Upper Division major requirements
- Minor requirements (as applicable)
- Course substitutions for the Major or Minor
- Global GPA – encompasses Upper Division major requirements only
- Academic questions about applying to graduate or professional school
- Pre-requisites for different programs
- Other academic issues related to graduate or professional school
If you have a UCLA logon ID/you are a current UCLA student, please submit your inquiry HERE.
If you DO NOT have a UCLA logon ID, please submit your inquiry HERE.
EEB BruinLearn
The EEB Undergraduate Office will be posting information (i.e. office hours for each week, course advertisements, internship opportunities, etc.) solely through BruinLearn and will not be utilizing the previous email listserv or CCLE site.
If students would like to receive updates from the EEB Undergraduate Office, they will need to join the course at this link:
Check out our Instagram page – @uclaeeb– for updates news about the department.
UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
612 Charles E. Young Drive South
Box 957246
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7246
(310) 825-1680
Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)Pages
- #9365 (no title)
- 2020NEWgradInfo
- 2023 EEB Commencement – Tickets
- 2023-2024 Undergraduate Research Lab Availability
- Academic & Student Services-Who Do I Ask?
- Academic Advising
- Academic Ineligibility
- Academic Timeline for Master’s Students
- accessTEST
- Adjuncts
- Admissions Requirements
- advising
- Alternatives to Research Quarter
- Alumni
- Alumni Networking
- Annual Research Day
- ARCHIVED Ecology, Behavior and Evolution Major
- Bartholomew Fund
- Bernard O. Phinney
- Biology Major
- By-Laws Coordinator
- cal form test
- Call for Guest Lecturers
- calTEST
- CARE committee
- Charles Arthur Schroeder
- Commencement
- Commencement 2024
- commencement22
- Conservation Biology Minor
- Contact Us
- Contact Us
- Contract Courses
- current graduate students
- current Graduate Students OLD
- Current Students
- Declaring Major/Minor
- Department Honors
- Department News
- Doctoral Degree Requirements
- Doctoral Program
- Doctoral Timeline
- Dr. Eric Berry Edney
- Dr. George Bartholomew
- Ecology, Behavior and Evolution (EBE) major
- EEB Commencement 2023
- EEB Graduate Student Handbook
- EEB Seminar Committee
- EEB Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- EEB Zoom Backgrounds
- EEBtv
- Emeriti
- Emeriti
- Enrolling in a Research Course
- Epperson Fund
- Evolutionary Medicine Minor
- facTableTest
- facTableTestTwo
- Faculty
- Faculty Menu
- faculty performance evaluation
- Faculty Research
- Faculty Spotlight
- FAQs
- Field Biology Quarter
- Field Marine Biology Quarter
- Finance Unit-Fund manager and PI List
- Financial Unit-Who Do I ask?
- Finding a faculty mentor
- formTEST
- grad login
- grad student 6coltest
- grad student directory form
- grad student form2
- grad student info form
- grad student info form3
- grad student test
- grad student test
- gradInfoVIEWpage
- gradstudent
- Graduate
- Graduate Student Support
- Graduate Timeline
- GrantTEST
- Health and Well Being
- History
- Home
- In Memoriam
- indivfacTEST
- indivfaculty
- Individual Seminar
- Intranet
- Intranet (Archive)
- Intranet (Financial Page)
- Intranet-Faculty Handbook
- Leadership and Committees
- Lecturers
- Life After Degree
- Major / Minor Requirements
- Major / Minor Requirements
- Marine Biology Major
- Marine Biology Quarter
- Master’s Degree Program
- Master’s Degree Requirements
- Master’s Timeline
- memoriam
- MS Biology studying the Ecology and Evolution of Medicine
- New Student Orientation
- On-Campus Resources
- Petitions
- Petitions.
- Postdocs and Research Faculty
- Pre-Counseling Checklist
- Previous Seminars
- Programs and Scholarships
- Prospective Students
- Quantitative Resources
- Registration and Enrollment
- Related Events
- Requirements
- Research
- Research and Opportunities
- Research Quarters
- Resources And Programs On Campus
- Resources for Research
- responsiveTableTestPage
- Sample Page
- searchFacTest
- Seminars
- shiny embed test
- shiny embed test 2
- Staff
- staff 2
- staff2
- Test iFrame
- testFacSearchV
- Undergraduate
- Undergraduate Advising
- Undergraduate Calendar
- Update to Computing Specialization
- videoTEST
- Who to Ask
- workshopKaltura