Mira Abrecht
Advisor: David Jacobs
Office: 2162 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Email: miabrecht@ucla.edu
Research: Environmental DNA, genomics of estuarine fish

Katie Adler
Advisor: Dan Blumstein
Office: 4th Floor LSB
Email: katieadler@g.ucla.edu
Research: behavior, human-wildlife interactions, conservation, mammalogy

Ary Amaya
Advisor: Elsa Ordway
Office: 4th Floor Botany
Email: arycamaya@gmail.com
Research: Indigenous ecological management and monitoring of urban ecosystem dynamics using remote sensing technologies

Wilmer Amaya-Mejia
Advisor: Pamela Yeh
Office: 2nd floor Botany
Email: wamayamejia@g.ucla.edu
Research: Urbanization of dark-eyed juncos and their diseases.

Nico Andrade
Advisor: Lawren Sack
Email: nicoandrade@ucla.edu
Research: soil microbiology, forest-soil interactions, forest hydraulics

Ioana Anghel
Advisor: Felipe Zapata
Research: Evolution of species and floral scent in the flowering plant genus Linanthus

Berenice Badillo
Advisor: Victoria Sork
Office: 4140 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Phone: 310-794-1431
Email: bbadillo@ucla.edu
Research: Local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity of trees in response to climate change, conservation biology

Taylor Bastian
Advisor: Dan Blumstein
Phone: (150)960-7760
Email: taylor.n.bastian@gmail.com
Research: Environmental impacts on social structure and fitness

Austin Betancourt
Advisor: Paul Barber
Office: 2140 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Email: abaustin1223@ucla.edu
Research: Conservation henomics/marine ecology and evolution

Kobie Boslough
Advisor: Karen Sears
Office: 2162 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Email: boslough@ucla.edu
Research: Evolutionary biology of bats, mechanisms of aging and development, mammalian reproduction and reproductive senescence

Jill Carpenter
Advisor: Dan Blumstein
Email: jillcarpenter@ucla.edu
Research: Effects of anthropogenic stressors on bat ecology and behavior, conservation

Joseph Curti
Advisor: Robert Wayne and Bradley Shaffer
Office: 4153 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Email: jcurti3@g.ucla.edu
Research: Application of whole-genome sequencing to California conservation management in California quail (Callipepla californica), California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii), and Yuma myotis bats (Myotis yumanensis).

Joseph ("Joey") Curti
Advisor: Brad Shaffer
Office: Terasaki Life Sciences Building, Room 4153
Email: jcurti3@g.ucla.edu

Morgan Dean
Advisor: Elsa Ordway
Research: Tropical forest structure

Carissa DeRanek
Advisor: Elsa Ordway
Research: Diversity-stability relationships across California ecosystems

Joseph Di Liberto
Advisor: Dr. Pamela Yeh
Office: 2nd Floor Botany
Email: jfdiliberto@ucla.edu
Research: Urban Ecology, Animal Behavior, Integrative Biology, Conservation, Ornithology

Tanner Dulay
Advisor: Priyanga Amarasekare
Office: 660 Boyer
Email: tdulay@ucla.edu
Research: Emergence of community structure in ecological interactions, particularly mutualisms

S. Madigan Durham
Advisor: Molly Fox
Email: sarahmd1113@ucla.edu
Research: Understanding human health from an evolutionary perspective, in particular thinking about life history and the impact of epigenetics.

Janine Fischer
Advisor: Gregory Grether and Debra Shier
Office: 4329 Life Science Building (LSB)
Email: janinef@ucla.edu
Research: How interspecific competition affects species coexistence and the conservation of threatened and endangered species

Amiel Flores
Advisor: Paul Barber
Email: jamflores@ucla.edu
Research: Investigating the potential of organism transport on problematic macroalgal mats using metabarcoding techniques

Ashlyn Ford
Advisor: Peggy Fong
Office: 4100 Life Science Building (LSB)
Email: ashlynford@g.ucla.edu
Research: Assessing the health of tropical reef communities and evaluating how infectious diseases are impacting these communities

Cynthia Frausto
Advisor: Peter Nonacs

Kaija Gahm
Advisor: Noa Pinter-Wollman
Office: 3rd Floor Botany
Email: kgahm@ucla.edu
Research: Movement ecology and social behavior of vultures; open science, open code, and computational reproducibility

Kaija Gahm
Advisor: Noa Pinter-Wollman
Office: Botany 3rd floor
Email: kgahm@ucla.edu
Research: Animal movement and social behavior

Alejandra Gamboa
Advisor: Noa Pinter-Wollman
Email: dgamboa24@g.ucla.edu
Research: Reciprocal relationships between host behavior and the microbiome

Claire Geiman
Advisor: Stepfanie Aguillon
Office: Botany 110
Email: geiman@ucla.edu
Research: Speciation and adaptation in birds, evolutionary genomics

Sierra Glassman
Advisor: Dr. Pamela Yeh
Email: sierraru@g.ucla.edu
Research: I plan to study how Dark-eyed Juncos are adapting behaviorally and morphologically to novel and changing environments.

Lauren Glevanik
Advisor: Nathan Kraft
Office: 4th Floor Botany
Email: lglevanik@ucla.edu
Research: Traits that affect seed dispersal, community assembly, and patterns of biodiversity and coexistence in Californian grasslands

Jesse Gomez
Advisor: Dr. Lawren Sack
Office: 4th Floor Botany
Email: jegomez97@ucla.edu
Research: Plant physiology, Phloem transport, and the impacts of phloem on xylem function.

Katie Hannibal
Advisor: Peggy Fong
Phone: 818-942-4269
Email: khannibal@ucla.edu
Research: Anthropogenic effects on nearshore marine ecosystems, specifically how algal interactions influence community structure

Kenji Hayashi
Advisor: Nathan Kraft
Office: 410 Botany
Phone: 310-825-4967
Email: kthayashi@ucla.edu
Research: Consequences of competitive interactions in spatially heterogeneous environments for plant species distributions and coexistence

Madison Hopkins
Advisor: Greg Grether
Office: 4329 Life Science Building (LSB)
Email: mlhopkins@g.ucla.edu
Research: Interspecific interactions, theory and modeling, evolution of interspecific territoriality

Aidan Howenstine
Advisor: Karen Sears
Office: TSLB 2162
Email: aohowens@ucla.edu
Research: The role of gene network architecture in biasing the development of phenotypic variation

Nurit Katz
Advisor: Dan Blumstein
Phone: 818-384-9493
Email: nkatz@fm.ucla.edu
Research: Urban ecology

Hannah Larson
Advisor: Colin Kremer
Email: hklarson@ucla.edu
Research: Eco-evolutionary effects of dormancy on phytoplankton fitness in fluctuating environments

Peter Laurin
Advisor: Nandita Garud
Office: 4114 Life Science Building (LSB)
Email: peterlaurin@ucla.edu
Research: Population genetics, adaptation, life history, bacteria, microbiomes

Shanti Lindberg
Advisor: Karen Sears
Office: 2162 TLSB
Email: lindbesh13@ucla.edu
Research: Investigating the evolution and development of the marsupium (i.e., the pouch) in New World marsupials. Utilization of museum collections on research.

Onny Nurrahman Marwayana
Advisor: Paul Barber
Office: Barber Lab
Phone: 310-889-4552
Email: onny.marwayana@ucla.edu
Research: Environmental DNA (eDNA), Marine Biology, Zoology, Marine Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Ecology, Aquatic Community.

Alin Mazmanian
Advisor: Barbara Natterson-Horowitz
Email: alinmazmanian@g.ucla.edu
Research: Evolutionary medicine, mental health, comparative physiology

Graham Montgomery
Advisor: Morgan Tingley
Email: graham.montgomery@ucla.edu
Research: Insect declines & their impacts on insectivorous bird populations, ecological monitoring, and evidence synthesis

Aisling Murran
Advisor: Van Savage
Office: Boyer Hall
Email: amurran@ucla.edu
Research: I work to elucidating patterns in the form biological systems, from ecosystem to individuals, with a particular interest in stability and diversity. This work draws from the fields of ecology, evolution, mathematical modeling and computational biology.

Sean O'Fallon
Advisor: Noa Pinter-Wollman
Email: seanofallon@ucla.edu
Research: Ecological and evolutionary relationship between nest architecture and collective behavior, considering the spatial structure of the nest as an extended phenotype of the ant colony

Anna Jiselle Ongjoco
Advisor: Dr. Elsa Ordway
Office: 4th Floor Botany
Email: annajongjoco@g.ucla.edu
Research: Plant ecophysiology, global change

Erika Ono-Kerns
Advisor: James Lloyd-Smith
Email: eonokerns@ucla.edu
Research: Disease ecology; conservation biology; sampling bias

Rosamari Orduña
Advisor: Michael Alfaro
Email: rosamariorduna@g.ucla.edu
Research: Fish genomics, ecology and evolution

Xochitl Ortiz Ross
Advisor: Dan Blumstein
Office: 4802 Life Science Building (LSB)
Email: xortizross@ucla.edu
Research: Long-term fitness consequences of early-life adversity in yellow-bellied marmots

Madeleine Pacheco
Advisor: Paul Barber
Office: Terasaki Life Sciences Building
Email: Madeleinegp@ucla.edu
Research: Coral reef resilience and conservation

Eliseo Parra
Advisor: Dan Blumstein

Sara Sofia Pedraza Narváez
Advisor: Felipe Zapata
Office: 2nd floor Botany
Email: sarapedraza@g.ucla.edu
Research: Tropical biology, evolution and eco-physiology of plants, climate change.

Kelsey Reckling
Advisor: Morgan Tingley
Email: kreckling@ucla.edu
Research: Ornithology, urban ecology, migration, conservation

Nick Russo
Advisor: Thomas Smith
Office: 300 La Kretz Hall (LKH)
Email: nickrusso@ucla.edu
Research: Movement ecology, remote sensing, tropical ecology, animal-vegetation feedbacks

Maya Sagarin
Advisor: Nathan Kraft
Email: msagarin@ucla.edu
Research: temporal coexistence mechanisms in tropical systems

Chris Sayers
Advisor: Morgan Tingley
Office: 310 Botany
Email: csayers2@ucla.edu
Research: Spatiotemporal impacts of gold mining on tropical bird communities

Kami Schneider
Advisor: Nathan Kraft
Research: I am interested in exploring and predicting plant community dynamics under global change

Kristen Schott
Advisor: James Lloyd-Smith
Office: TLSB 4000
Email: kcschott@ucla.edu
Research: Disease ecology, multi-host pathogens, pathogen spillover across ecosystem boundaries, wildlife health

Celine Snedden
Advisor: James Lloyd-Smith
Office: 4000 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Email: csnedden@ucla.edu
Research: Modeling within-host viral infection dynamics

Hayden Speck
Advisor: David Jacobs
Office: 2154 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Email: hspeck@ucla.edu
Research: Evolution of early animals, evolution of development in cnidarians, EvoDevo of moon jellyfish (Aurelia coerulea) life cycle transitions

Hannah Stouter
Advisor: Elsa Ordway
Office: 4th Floor Botany
Email: hstouter@ucla.edu
Research: Effects of climate change and land use change on ecosystems and communities the Congo basin

Ben Tonelli
Advisor: Morgan Tingley
Office: 3rd Floor Botany
Email: btonelli@ucla.edu
Research: Migration and disease

Nidhi Vinod
Advisor: Elsa Ordway and Lawren Sack
Office: 4th Floor Botany
Phone: 540-746-0542
Email: nidhivinod20@ucla.edu
Research: Linking leaf level physiology and functions to forest ecosystems level processes to understand how forests are functioning during climate change

Veronika Vucaj
Advisor: Dr. Peter Nonacs
Office: La Kretz Botany Building
Email: vvucaj@g.ucla.edu
Research: Life-history theory, developmental biology, evolutionary medicine

Richard Wolff
Advisor: Nandita Garud

Joanna Wu
Advisor: Morgan Tingley
Office: 3rd Floor Botany
Email: joannaxwu@ucla.edu
Research: Conservation, ornithology, ecology

Heidi Yang
Advisor: Victoria Sork
Office: 4140 Terasaki Life Science Building (TLSB)
Email: hyangg@ucla.edu
Research: Ecological genomics/epigenomics

Heidi Yang
Advisor: Victoria Sork
Office: TLSB 4141
Email: hyangg@ucla.edu
Research: Evolutionary & conservation genomics of California oaks

Erick Zerecero Marin
Advisor: Paul Barber

Madeleine Zuercher
Advisor: Gregory Grether and Debra Shier
Office: 4329 Life Science Building (LSB)
Email: mezuercher@g.ucla.edu
Research: Behavioral ecology, conservation, mammalian evolution, field biology

Regina Zweng
Advisor: Peggy Fong
Office: 4111 Life Science Building (LSB)
Email: rzweng@ucla.edu
Research: Impacts of eutrophication on marine and estuarine ecosystems