EEB Graduate Student Handbook
This handbook is intended as a resource for faculty and graduate students in the EEB Department. All students, and first-year students in particular, are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the handbook if they haven’t already. Many answers to student FAQs about academic policies, funding, facilities, etc., can be found in the handbook.
2023-2024 Handbook (Last updated November 2023) – EEB Graduate Handbook 23-24
2022-2023 Handbook – EEB Graduate Handbook_22-23
2021-2022 Handbook – EEB Graduate Handbook 21-22
The contents of this handbook derive from the University General Catalog and various Graduate Division publications, including the Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study at UCLA, the official Program Requirements for the Biology Degree, the Academic Apprentice Personnel Manual, and the Graduate Student Financial Support Manual. Students are also strongly encouraged to read the relevant sections of the aforementioned University publications for up-to-date details about university rules, regulations, and policies. Please discuss questions or concerns with the EEB Graduate Office staff, Graduate Faculty Advisor, and/or the Vice Chair for Graduate Studies.
Program Coordinator: Stephanie Caranica
Manager: Denise Lopez
Director: Eileen Mansoorian
Graduate Faculty Advisor: Dr. Elsa Ordway
Vice Chair for Graduate Studies: Dr. Morgan Tingley