The EEB Undergraduate Office is virtually available for you, please CLICK HERE.
Contact Us
For more information about the undergraduate programs contact:
The EEB Undergraduate Office is virtually available for you, please CLICK HERE.
For more information about the undergraduate programs contact:
101 Hershey Hall
612 Charles E. Young Drive South
Box 957246
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7246
Check out our Instagram page – @uclaeeb – for updates news about the department.
We’re pleased to offer a variety of advising & counseling services. We have drop-in advising hours throughout the week for quick questions. Additionally, academic advising/counseling services are available both in-person and virtually for more detailed and personalized advising. If you prefer a scheduled appointment, you can do so via MyUCLA. All appointments will be in 20-minute increments and conducted based on your preference and availability.
To make a departmental advising appointment, please CLICK HERE. Sign in using your UCLA Logon ID and Password. This scheduling feature can also be accessed through MyUCLA by selecting: Academics > Advising and Academic Services > Appointments > EEB-Departmental Advising > select the date, time, and format that works best for you.
*Please select the “EEB-Departmental Advising” options ONLY. EEB Grad counseling is limited for M.S. and PhD students only.*
EEB Undergraduate counselors will be available for APPOINTMENTS during the following hours:
Monday – Friday:
Between 9:00AM – 4:00PM. Appointment Only
EEB Undergraduate counselors will be available for Remote DROP-IN ADVISING during the following hours (these are subject to change at the start of every quarter please review the BruinLearn page for the most updated Drop-in Hours):
WINTER 2025 – Week 5
Tuesday 02/04/25 – 1:30-3:30pm, in-person at 101 Hershey Hall
Thursday 02/06/25 – 9-11am, in-person at 101 Hershey Hall
Thursday 02/06/25 – 1-3pm, in person at 101 Hershey Hall
Friday 02/07/25 – 10-12pm, remotely (see zoom link below)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 916 8660 7965
Passcode: 754386
**Regular Quarter Drop-In Advising Hours are available in-person in Hershey Hall 101. Upon arrival, please check-in using the QR code in our waiting room, and an advisor will be out shortly to meet you. Please know that time spent with advisors can range from 5-15 minutes, depending on the number of students who are waiting with questions. For detailed course planning and more concentrated time with out advisors please feel free to schedule an advising appointment via MyUCLA
PLEASE NOTE: if there is a sign stating “APPOINTMENT IN PROGRESS” on the front door of Hershey Hall 101 (EEB Undergraduate Office), please refrain from knocking, as it will cause a disruption to the academic advising session. Please wait in the adjacent waiting room or send us a message via Message Center on myUCLA.
To subscribe use the following link:
The EEB Undergraduate Office will be posting information (i.e. office hours for each week, course advertisements, internship opportunities, etc.) solely through BruinLearn.