Pamela Yeh

Associate Professor


Recent Courses

Recent courses: EEB 185 Evolutionary Medicine, EEB M200A Evolution

Research Interests

My lab is interested in measuring, understanding, and predicting the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of populations when they encounter novel environments, particularly environments with multiple disturbances or stressors. We are especially interested in how the stressors interact, and how these interactions ultimately affect populations. We incorporate field, lab, and theoretical tools in our work. We work on two systems, one lab-based, and one field-based. In the lab, we work on microbial evolution and how bacteria respond to multiple stressors, using antibiotics as stressors. In the field, we work on avian urban ecology and evolution, specifically on how dark-eyed juncos and house sparrows are affected by the urban landscape and unique urban stressors.

Selected Publications

Using a newly introduced framework to measure ecological stressor interactions
E Tekin, ES Diamant, M Cruz‐Loya, V Enriquez, N Singh, VM Savage, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (9), 1391-1403, 2020.

Nests in the cities: adaptive and non-adaptive phenotypic plasticity and convergence in an urban bird
SA Bressler, ES Diamant, MW Tingley, PJ Yeh
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1941), 20202122, 2020.

Antibiotics shift the temperature response curve of Escherichia coli growth
M Cruz-Loya, E Tekin, TM Kang, N Cardona, N Lozano-Huntelman, ...
Msystems 6 (4), e00228-21, 2021.

Evolution of antibiotic resistance impacts optimal temperature and growth rate in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis
P Mira, N Lozano‐Huntelman, A Johnson, VM Savage, P Yeh
Journal of Applied Microbiology 133 (4), 2655-2667, 2022.

Meta-analysis of three-stressor combinations on population-level fitness reveal substantial higher-order interactions
ES Diamant, S Boyd, NA Lozano-Huntelman, V Enriquez, AR Kim, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 161163, 2022.

E. Tekin, C. White, T. Kang, N. Singh, M. Cruz-Loya, R. Damoiseaux, V. Savage, and P. Yeh, "Prevalence and patterns of higher-order drug interactions in Escherichia coli", npj Nature Systems Biology and Applications, 4 : 31- (2018) .

D. Chung, E. Ferree, D. Simon, and P. Yeh, "Patterns of bird-bacteria associations", EcoHealth, 15 : 627-641 (2018) .

J. Pruitt, A. Berdahl, C. Riehl, N. Pinter-Wollman, H. Moeller, E. Pringle, L. Aplin, E. Robinson, J. Grilli, P. Yeh, V. Savage, M. Price, J. Garland, I. Gilby, G. Doering, and E. Hobson., "Social tipping points in animal societies", Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285 : 20181282- (2018) .

E. Tekin, V. Savage, and P. Yeh, "Measuring higher-order drug interactions: a
review of recent approaches", Current Opinion in Systems Biology, 4 : 16-23 (2017) .

N. Singh, M. Sit, M. Schutte, G. Chan, J. Aldana, D. Cervantes, C. Himmelstein, and P. Yeh, "A systematic review of differential rate of use of the word "evolve" across fields", Peer J, 5 : e3639- (2017) .

P. Yeh, D. Simon, J. Millar, F. Alexander, and D. Franklin, "A diversity of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus spp. in a public transportation system", Public Health and Research
Perspectives, 2 : 202-209 (2011) .

K. Bush, et al., "Tackling Antibiotic Resistance", Nature Reviews Microbiology, 9 : 894-896 (2011) .

P. Yeh, M. Hegreness, A. Aiden, and R. Kishony, "Drug interactions and the
evolution of antibiotic resistance", Nature Reviews Microbiology, 7 : 460-466 (2009) .

J.-B. Michel*, P. Yeh*, R. Chait, R. Moellering, and R. Kishony (* authors contributed equally), "Drug interactions
modulate the potential for evolution of resistance", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105 : 14918-14923 (2008) .

T. Price, P. Yeh, and B. Harr, "Phenotypic plasticity and the evolution of a
socially selected trait following colonization of a novel environment", American Naturalist, 172 : S49-S62 (2008) .