Brenda Larison
Assistant Adjunct Professor
4153 Terasaki Life Sciences Building (TLSB)
Recent Courses
EE BIOL 132 - Field Behavioral Ecology
EE BIOL 114 - Ornithology
EEBIOL 100/100L - Introduction to Ecology and Behavior
Research Areas
Research Interests
My research encompasses two primary areas: the evolution of animal patterning, with a focus on the distinctive black and white stripes of plains zebras, and conservation biology. Specifically, I investigate the genetic underpinnings and functional significance of zebra stripe patterns, leveraging the notable variability observed among plains zebras.
In addition to my work on animal patterning, I am deeply engaged in research concerning the conservation of plains zebras. This includes studying their population genetics and exploring the causes of aberrant striping patterns observed in various populations.
My research on plains zebras has also led me into unexpected avenues, such as developing epigenetic clocks and conducting comprehensive surveys of historical and contemporary biodiversity using environmental DNA (eDNA) in Rwandan national parks
An exciting facet of our eDNA research is its role in capacity building. Alongside our scientific investigations, we have been actively training researchers from across Africa in eDNA methodologies and working to foster collaborations among them.
Selected Publications
Horvath S, Hagani A, Peng S, Hales E, Zoller J, Raj K, Larison B, Petersen J, Bellone R, Finno CJ. 2022. DNA methylation aging and transcriptomic studies in horses. Nature Communications. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27754-y.
Larison B, Pinho GM, Hagani A, Zoller JA, Li CZ, Finno CJ, Farrell C, Kaelin CB, Barsh G, Wooding B, Robeck TR, Maddox D, Pellegrini M, Horvath S. 2021. Epigenetic models predict age and aging in plains zebras and other equids. Communications Biology 4 doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02935-z
Larison B, Lindsay AR, Bossu C, Sorenson MD, Kaplan JD, Evers DC, Paruk J, DaCosta JM, Smith TB, Ruegg K. 2021. Leveraging genomics to understand threats to migratory birds. Evolutionary Applications 14: 1646-1658. DOI:10.1111/eva.13231.
Smith TB, Fuller TL, Zhen Y, Zaunbrecher V, Thomassen H, Njabo K, Anthony NM, Gonder K, Buermann W, Larison B, Ruegg K, Harrigan R. 2021. Genomic vulnerability and socio-economic threats under climate change in an African rainforest bird. Evolutionary Applications 14: 1239-1247. doi:10.1111/eva.13193.
Larison B, Kaelin C, Harrigan R, Rubenstein DI, Kamath P, Aschenborne O, Smith TB, Barsh, G. 2021. Population structure, inbreeding and stripe pattern abnormalities in plains zebras. Molecular Ecology 30:379-390. DOI: 10.1111/mec.15728.
Larison B, Harrigan RJ, Rubenstein DI, Smith TB. 2015. Concordance on zebra stripes is not black and white: response to comment by Caro and Stankowich (2015). Royal Society Open Science 2:150359.
Larison B, Harrigan RJ, Thomassen HA, Rubenstein DI, Chan-Golston AM, Li E, Smith TB. 2015. How the zebra got its stripes: A problem with too many solutions. Royal Society Open Science 2:140452