Congratulations to our Dept of EEB graduate students recognized by the NSF-GRFP program
Our Graduate Education Vice Chair, Professor Nathan Kraft, would like to announce that a number of our EEB graduate students were among the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship awardees and honorable mention recipients for 2020 announced yesterday. These include:
Ashlyn Ford (honorable mention, Fong Lab)
Kenji Hayashi (honorable mention, Kraft Lab)
Aiden Howenstine (awardee, Sears Lab)
Marissa Ochoa (honorable mention, Sork and Sack Labs)
Xotchitl Ortiz Ross (honorable mention, incoming PhD student to Blumstein Lab)
Nicholas Russo (awardee, Smith Lab)
In addition to these graduate students currently in our program, there are a number of prospective students with offers to join our department as well as undergraduates who have worked with our faculty who were among those honored yesterday. Please join us in congratulating everyone who was recognized by this prestigious program!