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The Mediterranean Basin represents the largest area of mediterranean-climate in the world, and includes more than 20 nations distributed on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. This region has complex topographic and climatic diversity. There are extensive woodlands dominated by both evergreen and deciduous species of oak and evergreen shrublands of diverse forms. Tall evergreen shrublands and woodlands occurring in relatively moist areas, often including pines, are termed maquis. Shrublands of lower height and rich in aromatic shrubs are termed garrigue. Finally, low arid and often spiny shrublands in the eastern Mediterranean Basin are termed phrygana in Greece and batha in Israel.

A long history of human impacts on the natural landscape over thousands of years has strongly affected the environments of this region and has accelerated over the past century. Many of our Western cooking herbs such as rosemary, thyme, tarragon, sage, and oregano are native to the Mediterranean Basin. Most of the modern grape varieties used for the production of fine wines and domestic olives also come from the region.

List of plant spp and description

List of animal spp and description.